Saturday, August 18, 2007

I etsy!

Ok, I am just figuring all of this out -- but I think I have found a way to add my own goods for sale, without doing the ebay thing (not that ebay is bad -- just not the forum for handmade stuff, I think... plus it can be expensive...soooooo)

Have any of you heard of ETSY? Go to and check it out -- it is an online venue for artists to sell HANDMADE items! Very cool, very inexpensive -- free to set up shop.

Here I am -- click on the banner below and you get to my etsy store (and thanks, again, to Kara Jones (MotherHenna on estsy) for creating my banner!

Right now I just have one item listed for sale, but soon there will be more ;^) What a great way to tie it all in together, eh?

If any of you have ever tried etsy -- would you comment and share with all of us? Happy shopping!

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