Thursday, July 26, 2007


I couldn't help myself -- When the kiddo wakes me in the middle of the night, I head for the computer. I just put in a big SU order, and I have stuff coming, but I really, really wanted to try some of the Prism textured card stock that I heard about from Amy's blog -- so I went to All That Scraps and put in an order for a few sheets. *If you go there to shop, put my name in the comments and I get a bonus -- I love it because orders over $10 get free shipping and I don't pay sales tax, which makes shopping there _cheap_* And... well, I had to have a few other things... I limited myself to ONE of the hybrid Palette ink pads that I tried at Susan's, and the patterned paper (Daisy D's romance stuff... all distressed and nostalgic) was at 50% off... the whole order was not too bad... but I must USE it.
I am having trouble not only getting through the clutter in the craft room (which had BETTER be cleaned up because it doubles as a guest room and my folks are coming for a visit in a few weeks...) but mostly I am moaning that I don't have a work surface that can STAY put and is of the right height. I have a Costco folding table, and it just gets full of stuff because it is the only surface in the room. I want to set up stations that work for me, but it ain't happening. Hmmm...
I seem to have solved most of my storage problems -- but because I do so much packing and unpacking for workshops and crops that happen outside of my house, the room is more of a warehouse than a workspace. Anyone else have that problem?
When I really want to work, it seems that I have to pull out stuff into a "shopping basket" and haul everything out to the dining table... then my DD wants to make a craft and I am feeling crummy because I am whining about how "Mama has to work" and "we'll do yours later" and then of course it is dinner and I get my work done and DD (who is 4) doesn't get her craft time
DH is great about encouraging me, helping me to get time, working with the kids -- but he wants his own time and I don't get much done if I hide in the messy craft room with the door shut -- it feels all claustrophobic and I can't seem to move!
I admit that I LOVE to look at the photos of everyone's workspace... I drool, get ideas... and well... just dream. I have determined that it is the "double duty" thing that is getting me down... that it has to be clean enough to transform 4 times a year (or more) into a guestroom for two weeks at a time... and it is too tiny for it to do that and have a permanent counter or desk in it. On the positive side, I do have TONS of storage in the room and closet, and it does make sure I clean it up...
The dream is to build a carport/studio space in a separate building close to the house. I have the place all scoped out, and now it is just up to us to get rid of some debt that is holding us back and to move on finding the plans and getting permits. I think I might have a good builder for the project, but shopping that would be a good idea -- Yeah, it is a ways off. Soooo -- any ideas out there for someone in my predicament? I sure could use 'em.