I have to admit to being totally addicted to surfing other people's blogs. I love seeing all that they
do and I have to say, I wish I could do more, myself. Which I can -- but I sometimes don't.
I seem to be sick a lot -- not enough sleep, two little ones who demand a lot, the elder bringing home sickness from her school, her playdates, wherever... my immune system not totally functioning... sigh.
But I have done some -- and so I am posting some of those things here, while I get other things going... and oh, do I have some things percolating in my head!
Anyway -- here is a cute, and very simple card I did for a friend's son's 3rd birthday:

I love the elephant, and I am so glad I have the SU set -- but I sometimes find that it keeps me from buying other sets I like -- the Lizzie Anne set that
Lauren just posted about, included. I just appreciated her blog entry so much, that it sent me right over here to blog myself! Thanks, Lauren ;^)*
I loved making this card -- I gave it with a substantial gift card to a local grocery store, from a group of us... and it was a nice BIG deal! Stamping very simply, it still came out with the right "umph" I think -- and good for a 3 year old, and his family!
I had better get stamping, though -- I only have a few more cards done in the past to show you... and so many NEW sets waiting for ink!
So -- time to send the kids and DH out on an adventure, keep a box of tissue for this lousy cold at hand, and GET INKY!
Hugs, all... after all, you can't get my cold through this computer ;^)*